Vegans rejoice at Bib & Tucker

#WinterSeries #VeganDegustation

Pink Gin x B/T Blood Mary's

Bib and Tucker is an all-day restaurant providing a modern Australian dining and gourmet pizzas by the oceanside in North Freo.

Nestled in pristine sand dunes of Leighton Beach

Panoramic ocean view

Open kitchen view

Eamon Sullivan and Scott Bridger

Eamon Sullivan, one of the owners of Bib and Tucker was the host of the event. The dinner was led by the Executive Chef Scott Bridger who has a known passion for WA local and fresh produce. This is shown throughout the Bib's menu with over 80% of ingredients being from WA, most of which are from our South West region. Moreover, Scott grows his own vegetables and herbs/plants to use in his dishes. Given this reputation, the dining experience was sensational and unlike any other vegan foods available in the market today.

We were generally very impressed with the high level of hospitality provided on the night and professional and friendly staff who knew their exact role and appeared to really believe in the restaurant's products too. With each dish that was brought out in front of us, staff enthusiastically explained about it, some time after we were finished with the dish, they cleared it off swiftly and we were offered top-up with the wines. Despite the event being an eight-course meal, there was no delay and each course meal arrived at the table without us having to think about when we were going to get our food.

Fine dining during dinner service

2016 SVW Extent Grenache Sangiovese Rose

Each dish were carefully designed and paired with the Swan Valley Winery Natural Wines.

"Charcuterie" Board

Oil and seeds

New Season Asparagus with kohlrabi and quinoa

Oyster Mushrooms with black barley, nut cheese

Fire pit leek with WA lupin, garlic cream

Cauliflower, Potato, Truffle, Hazelnut

Fire roasted Cabbage with miso

The last savoury dish that led towards the finale (dessert, hooray!) was the fire roasted cabbage cooked with miso, shitake and seaweed dashi. The dish definitely shone through with umami taste and smoky flavours and different textures with roasted cabbage, shitake mushrooms and tempura bits. It was a perfect dish before we devoured in a light and refreshing dessert; Pavlova with aquafaba, coconut custard, blueberries and passion fruit sorbet. Scott explained between the courses about some of the elements in the dishes such as aquafaba which we learnt was water drained from chickpeas and was used in replacement of egg whites to create the meringue component of the pavlova. The dish was paired with the Chenin Blanc Moelleux which was my favourite wine of the night! It was so difficult to leave little bit to try with the actual dish 😂 I am not a big fan of dessert wines but this beautiful wine left no aftertaste and was broad, had a gentle acid structure with fruity sweetness coming through of passionfruit, pineapple and lime.

Swan Valley Wines are passionate about maintaining the biocultural diversity of the valley and offers free wine tasting for a group of 9 people or less. Find out more about Swan Valley Wines HERE.

Refreshing last dessert

An interesting point raised by Eamon was that approximately 50% of the people at the restaurant were non-vegans, including us! But loved the dishes provided on the night.

Although their Winter Series events have finished, you will be glad to know these foodie events are not one-off and they will be holding more with seasonal variations.

Click HERE to follow them on Instagram for latest updates.


Please note, we were invited guests of the Vegan Degustation night at Bib and Tucker.
Bib & Tucker is open Wednesday - Sunday from 8am till' late.


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