Getting lost in Mandurah

Train ride to Mandurah, appreciating the peace and quiet in our Peel Region. Coffee and sunshine 😎 We recently took a train ride to Mandurah for a spontaneous day trip. We departed from the Stirling Station and parked our car at the station for free (free parking on the weekend). We bought a family day ride ticket for $12.80 which we figured was cheaper than tagging on with our Adult SmartRiders. A tip for you, a family day ride entitles you to inclusive Transperth rides for the whole day (bus, train, ferries) for 2 adults and 2 children. However, it is still cheaper to purchase a family day ride even if there is only two of you (Adults) because on the weekend, the ride is more expensive and if you are traveling far say 3 zones or more. It took approximately an hour to get to Mandurah. From the Mandurah Station, we took the Mandurah Shuttle Bus (588 or 589) which goes around the major sites in the city and returns to the station. We didn't have any trouble...